
The pop-culture 'war helmet' art project
by Christopher Hemsworth

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About the project

What is this project all about?

I’m obsessed with helmets.

I have been since I was a little kid. From Star Wars, to G.I. Joe, to He-Man, and everything in-between. I still have drawings from my sketchbook that I drew in when I was 10 years old where I was trying to dream up my own helmet designs.

Now, as a professional artist whose obsession with helmets has never waned, I am creating an ongoing art series as an homage to some of the most iconic and brilliant helmet designs throughout pop-culture, and of course, some of my own personal favourites.

I hope you enjoy and want to hang these in your home.

Other Projects

Check out some other things I have going on.

The Kriegshelm project is one of many different things I have going on, as I'm sure you would guess. I love doing series-based things for some reason and you'll find that is a prevalant theme in my work. Below you can find links to a few of my larger ongoing projects.


An ongoing project similar to Kriegshelm but dedicated entirely to G.I. Joe. The goal? To draw every figure from 1982-1991, over 300 figures.


Dear Inner Demons

A truthful but dark single-panel style webcomic that sometimes dips into pop-culture characters, such as Star Wars, retro video games.

Check it out


The sort of hub of everything in a way. This is where you'll find things I've done that range from client work to personal paintings.

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Keep updated on new helmet art as it is being developed, and when new helmets are posted by connecting with me on any of my various social media platforms below.